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Baby Room

2024 Capital City Baby Shower Info

Purpose of the Baby Shower

Capital City Baby Shower is a no-cost event that provides families with all of the essential baby items they may need. We believe that no family should have to struggle to provide their newborns with necessities like clothes, diapers, car seats, and pack and plays, which is why we are committed to ensuring that families in the Lansing area have access to these important items. Our event is open to all families, and we welcome everyone with open arms.


This baby shower offers a beautiful opportunity to unite various churches, pregnancy centers, organizations, and businesses to celebrate life through love, support, and generosity. This event will be a collaborative celebration in Lansing, created to help support men and women who are:


  • Facing an unexpected pregnancy

  • Questioning their ability to parent

  • Desiring encouragement, and/or

  • Needing items for their babies

Saturday, August 17th 2024

Sharp Park

1401 Elmwood Rd

Lansing, Michigan 48917

Contact Information:

Jasmine Fountain

(517) 614-4508


Capital City Baby Shower

Interested in more information?

Thank you for your interest in the Capital City Baby Shower! A member of our volunteer team will follow up with you shortly.

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